Legal Support

Legal services
Archers Company offers business legal support service. Depending on the task the company gets our team provides you with the needed consultations and helps you to solve legal problems of any level. 

Legal support
If you want to find the most comfortable variant to solve your legal problems, ask Archers for help! This way, you shouldn’t spend money on the own legal service. All you need is to set a task, deadline and agree on the budget. Outsourced legal support gives your company a plenty of competitive advantages!

Size does not matter
We work with small companies without their own legal service providing them with wide variety of legal services. And we work with market giants who needs special legal service (legal questions related to staff).

Staff does matter
The client can choose the format of service they would like to get: simple oral consultations provided to key employees of the company; the signing of the one-time contract on the legal projects; constant company’s economic activity legal support; etc.

Basic services

Personnel record keeping (outsourcing); recruitment/dismissal/reduction of the staff; company’s representation in the mediation and settlements of disputes on the court; support in the execution of work permit for the foreign worker; etc.

Withdrawing some of the staff from the staff helped many Ukrainian companies not only to survive in the crisis, but also increase profits and improve performance.

Acceptance of your employees to our staff, official registration, payroll, taxes, withdrawal from the company of obligations for labor disputes with staff, reporting, holidays, sick leave, alimony, decrees, reducing reporting and time spent by accounting and lawyers.

Development of the standard forms of contracts of any level, legal auditing and/or actualization of company’s contract base, development of the package of documents for separate projects (collection of accounts receivable, cooperation with law enforcement agencies, etc.), workflow auditing, etc.

Indebtedness (debit and/or credit) or other claim problems consultation; development of the claims and responses to them; pre-trial settlement; mediation; execution of mutual offsets/forgiveness of a debt/assignment/other; appeal to the judiciary; signing of amicable agreements; representation in courts of all instances; tax disputes; appeal decisions; work (appealing, opposing, other) with the executive service; counteraction to collection of debts (banks, collectors), etc.

Reputation is above all! We work from 2008. We know the cost of our company’s and our clients’ reputation. Thus, we value our clients! ”

Registration/liquidation/sale/redemption and other actions with PE, LLC, JSC; development and amendment of constituent documents; change of name/director/address/founders of the company; entering/changing information about beneficiaries; entering the company in the register of publishers; registering the media; receiving/registering the ISBN/ISMN codes; etc.

Registration of trade marks for goods and services (TM); obtaining patents for inventions and utility models; transfer of intellectual property rights; registration of copyrights to the work/software product/business concept/idea; etc.

One time representation in tax/law enforcement agencies; support of the director at meetings with regulatory bodies; participation in negotiations of any level; protection from the unfair actions of competitors on the Internet (spread of inaccurate information, feedback, and other information); etc.


  • Corporate law
  • Intellectual Property

    Copyright and related rights, domain names, franchising, patents, trademarks and commercial names, trade secrets.